

At Magnetic North we believe in the power of consistent decision-making on our physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. 

  • Your coach will go to great lengths to ensure your durable growth and regeneration; 
  • The responsibility for translating our coaching engagement into value in your performance rests solely with you;
  • Coaching does not work if you deviate from the plan or do not execute on the plan;
  • Your coach will work with you by listening, asking questions, observing your data over time, and offering suggestions, solutions, and options based on experience and the available data;
  • All decisions and courses of action you choose as a result of our coaching engagement are entirely yours and you accept full responsibility for subsequent effects.


By engaging in a coaching relationship with Magnetic North, you understand that our coaching relationship is not a replacement for necessary self-care in the form of medical attention, bodywork, and/or therapy. If so desired throughout the coaching engagement, your coach has a strong network of providers and would be glad to provide a referral. Please inform your coach of any prior medical history you feel will be relevant to your coaching relationship.

By signing this agreement, you warrant that you do not have a current diagnosis of mental illness that is unmanaged by a licensed mental health provider and/or medical doctor. Further, you warrant that you are not currently undergoing therapy or treatment of any kind by a medical doctor or licensed therapist, or that if you are you have gained the express written permission of your therapist, medical doctor, and/or midwife. 

If at any time in our coaching engagement you encounter a mental health crisis, do not contact your coach. Instead, reach a trained mental health professional at the 24-Hour Crisis Line by dialing 866-427-4747.


Durability coaching often surfaces long-buried aspects of the participant’s physiology or psychology that can be fraught with emotional consequence. As such, your coach will not divulge that you are in a coaching relationship nor any details about our coaching engagement without your express consent. 

If you would like your coach to work collaboratively with your doctor or your bodyworker, you must file a medical records release form with your medical provider detailing the information you would like to open to your coach. You, of course, are free to discuss the coaching engagement with Magnetic North freely. 

This confidentiality statement is valid only insomuch as appropriate state or federal laws allow. Your coach will be obliged to report any instances of imminent or actual harm to yourself or others.


Your growth, rest, and breakthroughs are our priority; please make them yours as well.

Using the online Acuity Scheduling tool, you’ll schedule and pay for coaching sessions and packages as well as make changes to your scheduled appointments. You may reschedule check ins at the link provided in your Acuity Scheduling email confirmation given twenty-four hours advance notice.

If you are in need of more time with your coach between scheduled appointments you may request an add-on appointment. This additional check in call will be associated with an add-on fee and will be subject to your coach’s availability.


If you do not reschedule your appointment or if you miss a scheduled call, you will forfeit that check in call and resume meetings with your coach at the time of your next regularly-scheduled appointment based on the frequency indicated in your coaching package. Your appointment will be marked as a no-show if you are ten or more minutes late for your scheduled time.

We understand that sometimes life circumstances draw us away from our intended plan for the day. As such, we allow two no-shows in the span of a coaching engagement. Should you no-show for a third time, we will not issue a refund and we will no longer schedule calls with you. At that time, we suggest that you sign up for the Durability School where the opportunity exists for you to engage in the work at your own pace.

We make no exceptions to our no-show policy because we value your time and ours. Our focus is on impact in our client relationships; we can’t support our community when you don’t show up.


In 2018 after six years in business, Magnetic North shifted to a 100% presence model of business in all coaching engagements. Magnetic North places high value on individuality and integrity in all coaching engagements. We conduct all coaching check ins via Zoom, we conduct all gait analysis sessions in person on trail. This means whenever you are in your coach’s presence, you are their sole focus. Be sure to install Zoom on your device(s) prior to our first meeting.

Though email support might seem efficient, it tends to increase opportunities for miscommunication and lacks the ability to build as deep and trusting a relationship as one-on-one contact. Email communication with your coach will be limited to submitting answers to pre-assigned self-reflection exercises and scheduling questions that you’re unable to resolve using the scheduling tool. Please keep track of the questions that come up in the course of your training between coaching sessions so we can address them at the top of your next call.

Your coach is always happy for you to share wins and reflections via email between check ins; please understand that you may not receive a written response. Following our first meeting your coach will build a password-protected website containing your to do list, resources, and training plans. At this time we are unable to share two-way communications via our website.


All coaching packages and other products or services are paid in full or are contracted by payment agreement prior to the first coaching session. Given the long-term planning necessary on the part of you and your coach, Magnetic North does not issue refunds for services after twenty-four hours have passed since payment. If the client requests a refund within the first twenty-four hours, we will issue a refund minus a $50 administrative fee. 

Additionally, Magnetic North is not able to suspend or pause unused portions of coaching packages after beginning the engagement with the client. We do not provide refunds regardless of whether or not a client chooses to utilize the service they purchased.


All material relating to the coaching program is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The copyright in all such materials remains the property of their owners and may not be recorded, used or reproduced, without the written permission of the copyright owner. You agree not, at any time, to do anything that would infringe the intellectual property rights in such materials.


The undersigned agrees to release Magnetic North and assigns from any claims which the undersigned may otherwise have been arising out of or in any way related to participation in the coaching engagement and harmless from any loss or liability from actions taken or situations created as a results of the coaching sessions or relationship. You understand that all action taken is performed voluntarily.


I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing distancing and masking. I further acknowledge that Magnetic North has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Magnetic North cannot guarantee that I will not become infected with COVID-19.

I hereby release and agree to hold Magnetic North harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Magnetic North and its contractors. I understand that this release discharges Magnetic North from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against Magnetic North with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Magnetic North.


By entering into a Coaching Agreement either through signing an agreement with Magnetic North or paying any amount for coaching services, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out above.